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int. bedroom - night

a bedside light clicks on as sheets are bustled off and mia gets out of bed in a hurry. as the light adjusts in the room, the scene fades quickly from black & white to color. the camera stays fixed on the bed and lamp as we hear mia pacing from right to left, left to right. we hear mia unlocking a door and opening it.
mia's voice
i don't wanna hear it.
i don't wanna hear it.
the other voice is female, slightly shaky. this is sam.
sam's voice
i'm not gonna say anything. this is the last night, scout's honor.
i'm not gonna say anything. this is the last night, scout's honor.
there is a brief pause. mia sighs. the camera pans around evenly during this, and just as it reaches mia and sam, it starts back around the way it came, as sam walks in, mia closes and locks the door, and they walk back toward the bed. sam sits down on the bed and is opening a toiletry bag as mia goes into the adjacent bathroom and fills a glass with water from the faucet.
i dunno whether to let him have it or not even give him the pleasure of confrontation. just split.
what? that doesn't matter. and we're not talking about this, are we?
no, of course not. that would be silly (scoffs sarcastically).
i dunno whether to let him have it or not even give him the pleasure of confrontation. just split.
mia exits the bathroom with glass in hand, not making eye contact with sam.
what? that doesn't matter. and we're not talking about this, are we?
no, of course not. that would be silly (scoffs sarcastically).
sam reaches for the glass of water, but mia (not paying sam any attention) sets it down on her bedside table as she takes her glasses off. sam gets up and walks toward the bathroom as mia tucks herself back into bed. as sam washes her face, mia pushes the blankets back off to flick off the bedside lamp. sam watches mia disappointedly as she does this, but then the scene goes black except for a small mirror light that barely shines on sam's face as she scrubs her cheeks with soap.
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